When a Recruiter Calls…
Contributor: Pamela Inglis, Recruiter – Rostie & Associates
You know the call, as soon as you hear it’s a recruiter on the other end of the phone there’s a good chance that the first thing you say is “thanks, but I’m not looking”. Fair enough. The majority of the people we call are happy in their current role. But does that mean you shouldn’t take a few minutes to find out what they’re calling about? It may not be for you but perhaps you have a friend that’s on the market or maybe, just maybe, it’s your dream job.
It may not be the time for you to make a move, maybe not the right role, but why not take a few minutes and get to know us a little. Hopefully you’ll never be in the position where you have to find another job, but eventually you may want to. And we’ll be here…waiting for your call.