The Waterfront BIA Hosts a Wonderful Member’s Appreciation Breakfast
The kind individuals at The Waterfront BIA hosted a delicious member’s appreciation breakfast on board Mariposa Cruises‘ Captain Matthew Flinders this morning. The breakfast was followed by two informative presentations. Mark Lebovits and Stephanie McIsaac from Environics Analytics revealed detailed statistics of our waterfront service area. We learned a great deal about our waterfront community including including who the community is, average household incomes and detailed expenditures plus other relevant data on overall activity to help us succeed in our businesses. We really appreciated the insight that they were able to provide and it opened our eyes to the possibilities.
The second presentation provided details about the annual 3-day Redpath Waterfront Festival including their new partnership with the Toronto Wine & Spirit Festival and information on their world-class events such as the North American Flyboard Championships and DockDogs World Qualifying Championships. For more information about the Red path Waterfront Festival, you can read our previous blog post about it here.
Several local businesses also provided great prizes for a raffle. The Redpath Waterfront Festival’s intern Shane was the winner of a Rostie Group branded umbrella. With this unpredictable weather, Shane will always be keeping dry.
The Rostie Group is very thankful to have such an active BIA that is constantly thinking of the members and working on improving our area as well as hosting informative and creative events. If you are a business in the Waterfront Area, you may want to become a member.