Thanks for my Sight Night – 25th Anniversary of the Eye Foundation of Canada
The Rostie Group is a proud supporter of the Eye Foundation of Canada and would like to invite you to the EFC’s annual Gala – Sight Night! Our very own Charles Anderson recently travelled to India for a pioneering eye surgery and we want to bring attention to and support the Eye Foundation of Canada. Eyesight is often taken for granted but it is something quite precious that we must acknowledge and support. Charles will be speaking at the Eye Foundation’s Sight Night about his journey and we would love to invite you to attend.
- Sight preservation does more to maintain the quality of our lives than anything else.
- The number one cause of blindness in adults is diabetes.
- The risk of getting cataracts severe enough to restrict driving ability by age 80 is almost 100%.
- Vision is precious to each and every one of us.
WHERE? Montecassino Woodbridge (140 Jevlan Drive)
Sight Night
Antipasto Bar – 6:30 PM
Dinner – 7:30 PM
Open Bar
Silent Auction & Raffles
Music & Dancing
Tickets: $125.00 per person
The Eye Foundation of Canada (EFC):
- EFC has raised community awareness by organizing The Toronto Glaucoma Initiative (TGI) and “Sight Days with the Blue Jays” in collaboration with CNIB. EFC has also sponsored several in-house ophthalmic research studies and funded external research grants in diverse areas of ophthalmology.
- Since 1991, EFC awards summer scholarships to outstanding medical students to encourage them to pursue academic careers in ophthalmology. A joint western EFC branch was established in Calgary and Edmonton in 2012 to better serve the Prairies and British Columbia. To date, over 30 of Canada’s leading ophthalmologists owe their start to your generous donations to EFC. In fact, Sight Night and other EFC efforts have raised over $1,000,000 to preserve eyesight! To continue its success, The Eye Foundation of Canada needs your support at Sight Night 2014. Sight Night is an opportunity to meet interesting people over a delicious meal with entertainment.
The tickets can be purchased here!